2013 is the year of self-publishing

Have I mentioned that I self-published a book? Speaking of self-publishing, this interesting article appeared in the Toronto Star today describing 2013 as a year with a high volume of authors self-publishing. thanks to a few enablers such as low digital distribution,...

Lessons from Batkid

One simple wish from a 5 year old boy generated so much goodness. Indeed no hero too small. Miles Scott, 5 years old and in remission of leukemia had a wish: to be Batman. So the Make A Wish Foundation turned San Francisco into Gotham City for a day on November 15....

The reason why I’m not upgrading to iOS7 just yet

In a nutshell, I don’t have the time to relearn or get used to a whole new way of using my iPhone and iPad. I’m in the final stretches of completing my book and I don’t need yet another digital distraction. If only Apple had consulted me first. Ok,...