by Daniele Rossi | Apr 22, 2015 | podcasting, social media
I was guest expert on the excellent #ContentChat offering my advice on launching a podcast. Podcasting made a revival in recent months so I was honoured to have been asked to share my tips and experience along with participating podcasters. I’ve learned so much!...
by Daniele Rossi | Mar 11, 2015 | blog, comics, news, podcasting, social media
Podcasting seems to have made a resurgence in the mainstream, especially in social marketing circles, in recent months. As both a podcast producer and listener, it’s natural that I’d be happy about this! I’ve been podcasting since 2006 and the amount...
by Daniele Rossi | Dec 7, 2014 | blog, podcasting, social media
Podcasting seems to be popular again. I don’t know if it ever wasn’t popular but it seems like more and more marketers are talking about it. I’ve been podcasting since 2006, with my longest running show, Stuttering is Cool, still going strong. So, I...