Crayonville and rethinking Second Life

Crayon, a new marketing company that luuuuurves Second Life has just launched Virtual Thirst for Coca-Cola. So this morning in Crayonville on Second Life, the topic of discussion was the campaiin so far. Actually, it was held on the Virtual Thirst island. It was my...

Being creative in a creativity-killing environment

I work in an uninspiring, grey cubicle in a conservative really big corporation as my day job (by night I fight crime. That’s why I lift weights). Being a web designer in such an environment gives you plenty of challenges when your team is itching to do...

My thoughts on open source

Yes, another post about Twitter. I really should get back into the art world! For the past few months, I’ve heard nothing but open source this and open source that on the Digital Planet podcast by the BBC World Service. I am not a developer so I wasn’t too...

Twitter meet Spud, Spud meet Twitter

Early in the week, I was reading Steve Coulson’s post on the Crayonville blog entitled “Twitter takes over”. In it, he lists a few of his ideas for what Twitter can be used for besides the usual what you are doing at the moment. One item made me...

LinkedIn – Giving back to the community

One profound thing I will never forget from PodCamp Toronto is podcasting, and social media in general, is all about giving to the community. What you give to the community, you will get back in return. This morning I was adding a connection and updating my profile on...

Sketch Crawl – May 19th, 2007

The 14th World Wide Sketch Crawl is going to take place on May 19th. If everything goes according to plan, I should be somewhere in Paris that day and of course, if all goes to plan, I will also have my trusty Paris Moleskine notebook so I will definitely be joining...

Cartoon backgrounds

Ever since I can remember, I’ve always loved watching Looney Tunes. Actually, I was an animation buff all my life and still am to this day (I don’t buy movies or tv shows on DVDs. I buy animation). But I was never into the backgrounds. Even when I was...