by Daniele Rossi | Oct 22, 2014 | blog, comics, content strategy, illustration
International Stuttering Awareness Day takes place every year on October 22. I like to plan an awareness campaign each time. In the past I’ve created audio podcasts, special Google+ Hangouts throughout the day, blog posts, and tweeting stuttering fun facts mixed...
by Daniele Rossi | Apr 12, 2011 | social media
Social media provides excellent benefits in everything. Period. On the latest episode of my podcast, Stuttering is Cool, I interview four speech therapists who incorporate social media tools in their practice. My summary follows. I first speak with fellow Canadian,...
by Daniele Rossi | Jan 16, 2009 | blog, social media
Stuttering.Me has recently launched and I know it’s going to be big. It’s going to change lives. And it’s using Twitter. As creator Greg Snyder explains, “Perhaps one of the single biggest facets of change in the self-help process is becoming...
by Daniele Rossi | Oct 27, 2008 | comics, news
Yes, I’m talking about the latest St-St-Stuttering is C-C-Cool comic in glorious black and white. It’s a gag I had thought up for years for my other character, Spud, and now was a great time to use it. I don’t quite remember what lead me to come up...
by Daniele Rossi | Oct 16, 2008 | blog, social media
The 6th St-St-Stuttering is C-C-Cool comic returns my online venture back to black and white comics (explanation). My preferred medium. And oh how great it is for an artist to work in his (or her) domain! I won’t abandon colour. I’ll save that for oil...
by Daniele Rossi | Sep 25, 2008 | blog, comics, illustration
I’ve posted my last colour St-St-Stuttering is C-C-Cool comic. It just wasn’t my medium. I prefer and enjoy black and white. Always did. Colour turned out to be a lot of extra work that sucked all the excitement I had for drawing the comics. As I blogged...
by Daniele Rossi | Jul 26, 2008 | comics, creativity, illustration, news, social media
I’m working on a couple of graphic novels and one of them is about stuttering to coincide with my podcast, Stuttering is Cool. The comic called, well, St-St-Stuttering is C-C-Cool. The plot follows a stutterer who grows to accept and embrace his stutter. At the...
by Daniele Rossi | Jul 14, 2008 | blog, comics, creativity, illustration, social media
I’m in the early development stages of a graphic novel to accompany my Stuttering is Cool podcast. On the left is a a sketch of one of the main characters who stutters. This turned out to be an interesting exercise in character design because I have to be able...