I’m working on a couple of graphic novels and one of them is about stuttering to coincide with my podcast, Stuttering is Cool. The comic called, well, St-St-Stuttering is C-C-Cool.

The plot follows a stutterer who grows to accept and embrace his stutter. At the same time, I want to show readers who don’t stutter what it feels like to live with a stutter.  Without being preachy or ‘o woe is me’ whining. After all, there is more to life than stuttering! The book will be a comedy, except for maybe the first post.


I’m posting each comic on Stuttering is Cool as I complete them. Yes, I’m doing the social media thing!


UNfortunately, I am not happy with the outcome of comic #1. You see, I had run out of the Tria markers I was using and to my dismay, I learned that LetraSet (the company who makes them) decided to replace them with thicker nibs. WHY??

So far comic #2 is looking 1000% better (to be posted next week). I’ve switched from the new Tria markers to Faber-Castell Pitt artist pens.  The Trias are ok. Just not for the comic medium.

Despite being a perfectionist, I decided to go ahead and post comic #1 as I’ve done so many redraws that it’s killing creativity and enthusiasm. I’ll redraw later.

I’ll also be posting progress photos on my Flickr account.