Squeaky wheel gets the grease?

Here’s a reply I left on Jay Moonah’s blog where he ponders if the sudden high volume of new Twitter users potentially could cause its demise. Thought I’d share my comment here as well: It’s a very “traditional media” way of...

My PodCamp London slides

My slides are almost ready. I just need to do some more details such as choosing a more yellowish yellow and making the white text more legible against the light blue area in the background. Other than that, I’m ready to do my presentation at PodCamp London this...

Twitter popularity contests

Twitter is officially mainstream now that all the celebrities (well, their marketing team I’m sure) are using it and something about Ashton Kutcher challenging CNN on who gets the most followers? Um… I’m sure there’s loads of engagement for...

Reach out and touch someone

I know, I know cheesy title but that’s the name I chose for my session at PodCamp London this April 25th. Here is the description: Reach Out And Touch Someone by Daniele Rossi. You have the awesome ability to make positive changes to people’s lives all...