Ever since I started up my Sketchy Adventures show on Ustream.tv, I’ve been thinking up ways in how I can broadcast a drawing show from PAB2007 with my fellow participants. What’s stopping me is it isn’t podcasting. M-a-y-b-e it can be seen as video podcasting but you can’t download the videos from UStream.
On the other hand, it would be cool to get a video of Chris Brogan sketching with me.
But how do I carry around my precious PowerBook and iSight camera safely? The iSight isn’t internal. In other words, how can you do mobile Ustreaming? I could just use a video camera then upload the video to YouTube but that’s so early 2007. Where’s the live interaction in that? :)
If you’re interested in social media, podcasting in particular, PAB2007 is the place to be!
edit: Forgot to think about bandwidth. See comments below
[tags]PAB2007, Ustream.tv, Sketchy Adventures[/tags]
You can do it with the iSight. You have to disable the setting that says to shut down your laptop when you close the lid, but otherwise, it’s terribly do-able. And doodle, I will. : )
I didn’t know you could use the iSight with the laptop closed. Of course, you wouldn’t be able to interact with the audience but still good to know for future shows.
Hey Daniele!
There is limited bandwidth in the PAB2007 conference room. In order to allow everyone to blog and upload photos, we ask that attendees not stream audio or video, or upload large files from the conference facilities.
If the bandwidth is higher this year, we will relax that request.
I didn’t even think of bandwidth! It is too easy to take it for granted. Thanks for letting me know, Mark! Maybe I will instead only record video and upload it to YouTube or BlogTV.
Mark Blevis is the host of the “Canadian Podcast Buffet” and “Just One More Book”, a podcast about children’s book reviews.