Content and social strategy keep me busy

Content and social strategy projects have certainly kept me busy the last few months since my last blog post. Thought I’d begin revitalizing my blog by introducing some of the projects I’ve been working on: 1. I’m writing a self-help book about...

Google+ Hangouts On Air tips!

My guest blog post for The Community Manager is up! I share ten of my best practices when hosting a live Q&A Google+ Hangout on Air. As well as continuing my tradition of offering a custom illustration to go with the post. Check it out! The Community Manager is a...

How to remain calm in a sea of chaos at the workplace

My guest blog post is now live on Hiten Vyas’s website all about empowering yourself. Entitled, “How to remain calm in a sea of chaos at the workplace”, I share how I keep my head when times get hairy at work. I also contributed a custom illustration...