About Me – the comic

I transformed my About Myself page into a comic book! The idea just popped into my head as I was looking to offer something more creative than the usual body of text. The page flipping is a WordPress plugin called Page Flip . It works with jpgs you upload, sort, and...

Improv comic #4 is up

Improv comic #4 is up. You can see it here. Once again, I was in over my head with responsibilities and I missed my own deadline that I set for completing this one! Anywhoo, it’s here! And it’s short! I asked for a wedding faux pas and a song.  The...

Double meaning in Bazooka Joe comic

So, I’m at a restaurant for lunch at work and the bill comes and we’re given Bazooka Joe bubble gum.We all take a look at each other’s comics and someone’s comic is unintentionally (?) adult. Or we just have dirty minds. Since I have a blog, I...

Super Spud soundtrack

As you can safely assume, I’m an intense fanatic of moleskine notebooks. I even bought the one with sheet music. But I don’t know how to write (or read) music. Somehow, I’ll find an artistic use for this odd choice of artistic medium. Sheet music...