iPhone as a secret recording device

I came across this post describing a journalist’s preference of using her iPhone to record interviews in secret. In dangerous situations where the sight of a microphone can give the journalist or their interviewees away, using someone as common and ordinary as a...

Mobile Monday: Next Streetcar

I’d like to start blogging about mobile apps made by my fellow Canadian design and dev talent. Feel free to contact me if you are a Canadian mobile developer or designer and you’d like me to feature your app. I cover all platforms. Today: Next Streetcar...

Just One More Book!

I was interviewed on the fantastic Just One More Book! podcast about my submission for their Love of Reading Gallery. I explain the story and thinking behind my submission, Now This One, talk about my preference for drawing with pencil and paper vs. on a...

iPhone travel test

Since the iPhone is a little computer, I wanted to see if it could stand the podcamp test as a replacement for my powerbook going to and fro PodCamp Montreal. Does anyone have directions to the hotel? I really liked the GPS on the phone. It saved us. Though maybe it...