Ever since I started up my Sketchy Adventures show on Ustream.tv, I’ve been thinking up ways in how I can broadcast a drawing show from PAB2007 with my fellow participants. What’s stopping me is it isn’t podcasting. M-a-y-b-e it can be seen as video podcasting but you can’t download the videos from UStream.

On the other hand, it would be cool to get a video of Chris Brogan sketching with me.

But how do I carry around my precious PowerBook and iSight camera safely? The iSight isn’t internal. In other words, how can you do mobile Ustreaming? I could just use a video camera then upload the video to YouTube but that’s so early 2007. Where’s the live interaction in that? :)

If you’re interested in social media, podcasting in particular, PAB2007 is the place to be!

edit: Forgot to think about bandwidth. See comments below

[tags]PAB2007, Ustream.tv, Sketchy Adventures[/tags]