Colour vs. black and white

I’ve posted my last colour St-St-Stuttering is C-C-Cool comic. It just wasn’t my medium. I prefer and enjoy black and white. Always did. Colour turned out to be a lot of extra work that sucked all the excitement I had for drawing the comics. As I blogged...

iPhone travel test

Since the iPhone is a little computer, I wanted to see if it could stand the podcamp test as a replacement for my powerbook going to and fro PodCamp Montreal. Does anyone have directions to the hotel? I really liked the GPS on the phone. It saved us. Though maybe it...

PodCamp Montreal

I just got back from yet another trip to one of my most favourite cities, Montréal. I was there for PodCamp Montréal and as expected, I had a blast, met new cool people and learned many new things. I won’t go into detail of what was said. There are plenty of...

When bad things happen to good art

Oh the horrors. I’ve worked so hard on my 4th episode of my St-St-Stuttering is C-C-Cool comic only to have it fall to pieces once I started inking it. It started with the markers I wanted the colour of the lettering to be the same as the panel borders. I had...

Google Chrome comic book

Google Chrome was “accidentally” (yeah right) launched this morning and along with it was a comic book by Scott McCloud explaining its features and such. My twitter list was all a buzz with hating the comic book. Quite a few also lamented it was 36 pages....