by Daniele Rossi | May 15, 2009 | blog, social media
I had lunch with Jay Moonah and we got into a conversation where we hypothesized young children using private Twitter and Flickr accounts for keeping in touch with relatives living in different geographical areas (we also joked around with the idea of what Twitter...
by Daniele Rossi | May 18, 2008 | blog, social media
The latest social media darling buzzing around Twitter is BrightKite. Well, among my Twitter friends anyway. First let me explain that a good chunk of the people I follow on Twitter are fellow podcasters who I met at PodCamp Toronto and/or Podcasters Across Borders....
by Daniele Rossi | Feb 17, 2008 | illustration, news
I’ve uploaded the final set of progress photos of the paintings I’m working on. You’ll see them on my Flickr set called Paintings in Progress. The reddish one is complete (the one in the photo above). The blueish one will take a while. Check out the...
by Daniele Rossi | Dec 19, 2007 | blog
I just got notice today that one of my Paris photos on Flickr has been shortlisted for inclusion on Schmap’s Paris Guide. I am not familiar with Schmap but after a quick looksee, it seems to be a pretty cool site! Photos of various places (hence the shortlist)...
by Daniele Rossi | Nov 4, 2007 | blog, social media
Comet Holmes came as a complete surprise for me. I didn’t even know there was a comet in the sky. Saturday night, I noticed something out of the ordinary in the nightsky after I walked out of my garage. There was a fuzzy ball that reminded me of the time I saw...