I’ve almost but abandoned drawing altogether with all my posts about social media and Twitter. I can’t help it, I completely took to social media like a fish to water.
But back to the original intent of my Recent Doodle blog. I mean, it is supposed to entice me to draw more and share my, well, most recent doodle.
Alas, I am still at the figuring-out-a-plot stage. I’ve already thought of a few plots but I am not 100% happy with them. A graphic novel (or “big fat comic book” as I prefer to call it) and any kind of book really is a comittment that takes a long time so I really, really want to make sure I am 1000% satisfied with the plot before starting. Otherwise, it just turns into a chore that I won’t look forward to.
So, for a long while now, I’ve had writer’s block. In fact, I started getting worried that I was no longer willing to draw. Abandon my lifelong passion of drawing comics and making people laugh?!
FORTUNATELY, and I’m sure God had intervened or at least the patron saint of cartoonists or maybe my guardian angel, today I came up with a plot I am really, really excited about!
I still need to fine tune it but I’m happy to have the excitement back.
Chime in with your stories of writer’s block (or any other kind of block) and share how you overcame them.
[tags]comics, design, cartooning, illustration, writer’s block, writing[/tags]