I’ve posted my last colour St-St-Stuttering is C-C-Cool comic. It just wasn’t my medium. I prefer and enjoy black and white. Always did. Colour turned out to be a lot of extra work that sucked all the excitement I had for drawing the comics. As I blogged in the past, I was constrained and unhappy with the palettes and markers I found in the stores. The results gave an amateurish look to the comics. Give me a pencil any day!
Yesterday I tried drawing in black and white to see if there’d be any difference in my level of passion and the outcome. LOADS of difference. I had a great time and I am totally satisifed with the results. So much so that it’s all ready for posting and I’m halfway through another long one. I can’t wait to post them. I’m sticking to my bi-weekly schedule though.
Great! I’m glad you enjoyed it. See you at WCT ’09.