Apple finally revealed the ill-named iPad yesterday to quite a lot of underwhelming reviews. Namely, “It’s just a giant iPod Touch”. I admit, at first I felt the same way. “That’s it?”
Then I started to think about all the times I needed access to a computer – smaller and even more portable than a laptop, a lot bigger than my iPhone. That’s the iPad.
And further, it’s about the usability. Not how much different it should be from the iPhone and Touch. This blog post explains it best.
The major disappointment for me though was no pressure sensitivity. For years I’ve been hoping for a Mac tablet that I can use for illustration. I draw anywhere and in any position in my sketchbooks and I am hoping for a computer equivalent that can provide the same experience. Yes, I’d use a stylus (just can’t do minute detail with my finger).
I’m still impressed with the amount of R&D and Ux goodness in my WACOM tablet. It’s just that I can’t draw without looking at my fingers. The Cintiq is too expensive and I don’t want to subject myself to Windows.
Maybe some major programming can be done in an app to simulate pressure sensitivity?