Live blogging and twittering

Live blogging and live twittering, in my humblest opinion, are unnecessary. I can see why the idea is appealing. After all, you’re providing the first scoop as the event happens. Here are a few reasons why I’m not too keen on the idea. As a member of audience, my...

Social media needs traditional media

I had the pleasure of attending the Talk Is Cheap social media unconference for PR professionals back on November 15th here in Toronto. Social media has been the big thing these days really because it’s been reported in the traditional media (newspapers, tv,...

OLPC – another positive

Kudos to the BBC News website. I get most of my OLPC news from them. Anyhoo, I stumbled upon this article with a lot of positives listed from the One Laptop Per Child project. And of course, a few expected negatives. The best benefit of the project I’ve seen is...

Schmap – I’ve been shortlisted!

I just got notice today that one of my Paris photos on Flickr has been shortlisted for inclusion on Schmap’s Paris Guide. I am not familiar with Schmap but after a quick looksee, it seems to be a pretty cool site! Photos of various places (hence the shortlist)...

PodCamp Toronto 2008. Are you going?

PodCamp Toronto 2008 will be happening on February 23 and 24th at the Rogers Communications Centre at Ryerson University. I am very excited that it’s happening again— I had a great time and learned a lot from people who share the same interest in podcasting as me and...

Social Media’s unexpected benefit

I attended CaseCamp Toronto 6 and one of the presentations was about Levis’ “What’s Your Style” campaign. Long story short: glorified model search for Levis ads at various youth festivals; on-site RV change room to try on Levis clothes; take photo; get vote ID; tell...

Get Out of Town! – SpudCast #16

Finally, it’s been ages, a new episode of SpudCast. Well, it was recorded a while ago but here it is in all its glory! I talk about the importance of having a creative workout. That is, going outside to new places which is a great way to get a new perspective on...