Comics and journalism

I jumped at the chance to see Joe Sacco speak at the Innis Town Hall last night. He was in town to talk about his journalism in comic book form. I’m trying not to use the term ‘graphic novel’ because he doesn’t like the term. And I agree. There...

Schools as comic book publishers

I always love fresh, new ideas that are a little bit “out there” but you know they would totally be successful once tried out. One such idea comes from Mathew Hoy, web designer, games podcaster and comic nut. Mathew shares his idea in his Ignite London...

Finally released to the world

Yes, I’m talking about the latest St-St-Stuttering is C-C-Cool comic in glorious black and white. It’s a gag I had thought up for years for my other character, Spud, and now was a great time to use it. I don’t quite remember what lead me to come up...

Colour vs. black and white

I’ve posted my last colour St-St-Stuttering is C-C-Cool comic. It just wasn’t my medium. I prefer and enjoy black and white. Always did. Colour turned out to be a lot of extra work that sucked all the excitement I had for drawing the comics. As I blogged...