My books
As a versatile digital media producer, I enjoy creating ebooks in addition to paper books as they offer another way to tell a story or teach a few concepts in a ways that a website can’t including no distractions from popups and such. Well, as long as the notifications settings on your devices are turned off!

Tales of Mischief, Mayhem and Mirth
A collection of fifteen interconnected, zany stories featuring Franky Banky, a fox who stutters, in a variety of speaking situations. Fluent readers learn what stuttering is and is not through Franky Banky’s actions to reactions toward his speech while readers who stutter learn about the benefits of being open about their speech and spreading awareness. I also use humour in my stories to make my book more engaging and fun.
Read details and reviews about my book on the Franky Banky website.

The Saga of Franky Banky
A 10-page children’s story designed to look like an Viking saga. It’s a parody of Icelandic culture and travel I drew as a promotional book to hand out at the 13th International Stuttering Association World Congress held in Iceland in 2019. The organiser liked my idea so much that he made my book the key swag bag item!

A Quick Guide to Podcasting
Part comic book, part survival guide, A Quick Guide to Podcasting will help you get set up on your first podcasting endeavour. Or if you’re already podcasting, there may be a few new tips that will be helpful to you! My ebook stars Spud, the main character in my comic at

Stuttering is Cool: A Guide to Stuttering in a Fast-Talking World
I created the digital version of my print book, Stuttering is Cool: A Guide to Stuttering in a Fast-Talking World, which has also been used as a textbook or required reading in 10 universities across North America. It’s available in the Google Play and Apple iBooks Store (it’s accessible, too!). Details at

iPad Super Spud (prototype)
I collaborated with a developer friend on a proof-of-concept interactive comic book web app specially for the iPad. Featuring a continuing saga origin story starring the characters from If you are viewing this on an ipad, head on over to to check it out. Best of all, it’s free!

You have the awesome ability to make positive changes to the lives of people all over the world via personal interaction through podcasts (and other social media tools)
YOU have the awesome ability to make positive changes to the lives of people all over the world via personal interaction through podcasts (and other social media tools) (yup, I gave it a long title) is my free ebook based on my presentation given at various digital media events in Canada about the benefits of using social media for self help and helping others.

Classic novels with digital-culture themed covers
I illustrated covers of four classic novels in the public domain using references to today’s digital culture. Then I packaged them into an ebook for free download. I also blogged about the creative process in creating the covers (as well as providing download links):
- Moby Dick by Herman Melville
- The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells
- Wired Love by Ella Cheever Thayer (romance over the telegraph)
- The Stutterer by R.R. Merliss (1950s pulp fiction about a stuttering robot)