by Daniele Rossi | Apr 22, 2015 | podcasting, social media
I was guest expert on the excellent #ContentChat offering my advice on launching a podcast. Podcasting made a revival in recent months so I was honoured to have been asked to share my tips and experience along with participating podcasters. I’ve learned so much!...
by Daniele Rossi | Mar 11, 2015 | blog, comics, news, podcasting, social media
Podcasting seems to have made a resurgence in the mainstream, especially in social marketing circles, in recent months. As both a podcast producer and listener, it’s natural that I’d be happy about this! I’ve been podcasting since 2006 and the amount...
by Daniele Rossi | Apr 12, 2011 | social media
Social media provides excellent benefits in everything. Period. On the latest episode of my podcast, Stuttering is Cool, I interview four speech therapists who incorporate social media tools in their practice. My summary follows. I first speak with fellow Canadian,...
by Daniele Rossi | Apr 2, 2009 | news, social media
I know, I know cheesy title but that’s the name I chose for my session at PodCamp London this April 25th. Here is the description: Reach Out And Touch Someone by Daniele Rossi. You have the awesome ability to make positive changes to people’s lives all...
by Daniele Rossi | Mar 10, 2009 | news, social media
My JOLT! proposal for PAB09 has been accepted! JOLT!s are 5-minute presentations designed to give participants something new to think about. Like a mini TED Talk. I’m giving a condensed version of the session I plan on giving at PodCamp London on April 25th....
by Daniele Rossi | Mar 2, 2009 | news, social media
I’ve participated in 2 panels at PodCamp Toronto (Podcasting Tools 101 is one of them) and it’s time for me to move into the big leagues. Presenting my own session! PodCamp London will be taking place on April 25th and I plan on sharing the valuable things...
by Daniele Rossi | Jun 23, 2008 | news, social media
I had the amazing pleasure of being interviewed on Sounds Like Canada on CBC Radio One! I was interviewed along with Mark Blevis of the Just One More Book podcast (childrens book reviews) and Melinda Mason of her My Marylin podcast (all about Marylin Monroe). Aside...