Google+ Hangouts On Air tips!

My guest blog post for The Community Manager is up! I share ten of my best practices when hosting a live Q&A Google+ Hangout on Air. As well as continuing my tradition of offering a custom illustration to go with the post. Check it out! The Community Manager is a...

Google For Veterans and Families

I was alerted to an awesome use of Google products by my buddy and American war vet, Jody Fuller. A group of veterans, their families and Google employees got together and created a community called Google For Veterans. Their mission is to connect veterans and their...

Search engine street smarts

My friend Jay Moonah wrote a manifesto for called Trusting Google and Yahoo. It’s a call for critical thinking when using search engines. Since search results “seem to appear like magic, many of us tend to think of search results as being unbiased”. Jay...

My PodCamp London slides

My slides are almost ready. I just need to do some more details such as choosing a more yellowish yellow and making the white text more legible against the light blue area in the background. Other than that, I’m ready to do my presentation at PodCamp London this...

Google Chrome comic book

Google Chrome was “accidentally” (yeah right) launched this morning and along with it was a comic book by Scott McCloud explaining its features and such. My twitter list was all a buzz with hating the comic book. Quite a few also lamented it was 36 pages....